We have heard your calls loud and clear. Purchasing can be a big hassle. As such, Portals has been working hard at refining our internal processes to provide more capacity and to serve you better! If you have a purchase to make and need assistance, please call us. Whether it’s securing a vital piece of equipment for clients or purchasing a hotel stay for a participant going through training, we can help!
We are starting to schedule our annual presentations for VR offices around the state. If you would like Portals to present at one of your future staff meetings, either in-person or online, please let us know. We are ready and excited to see you all and make new connections. If you would like to schedule a day, please email us: information@portalsllc.org
For everyone who stuck with us this past year, thank you! You are all rock stars, and we could not have gotten through the year without some truly extraordinary dedication. Now that we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel, we have been reflecting on the COVID year and feel thankful to have such an outstanding partner in Vocational Rehabilitation. Cheers to all of you!
We are headed in the right direction and things are looking up for the State of Indiana. Many of our
employees have gotten the COVID Vaccine and are conducting more in-person activities. For many of our clients this is a welcome change. For others who are not quite ready, we have Zoom and Teams accounts at our disposal.