To really make a business work, you have to have passion and energy. Richarh Tyson has both and will do whatever it takes to make his vision a success. He brought his idea to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) to start a local news channel for the community of Grant County utilizing Facebook as his primary delivery vehicle. He had already started the business using his personal iPhone and had made good progress building an enthusiastic audience of followers. To get the business to the next level and provide better quality footage for viewers and advertisers, Mr. Tyson would need some assistance.

Portals was asked by VR to do a feasibility study on his small business idea, and we found that this is a legitimate opportunity. Grant County had nothing like this at the time, residents had limited options with radio and a local newspaper. Portals found other individuals were finding success online creating their own niche channels on Facebook and other sites such as YouTube.
After tremendous help from VR, Richarh is working on not just news programming, but is now developing original content for his channel and other media partners. His Channel 27 News & Entertainment Facebook page currently has over 30K followers. His channel has had weeks where its content reached over 1 million Facebook users!
Asked about his experience with the self-employment program at Vocational Rehabilitation, Richarh says, “First, trust and believe in your vision. Make sure it works. Then, trust Portals and VR, follow the steps and complete the process.”
If you are inspired by the idea of starting your own business, or maybe you’re a counselor that has a candidate you believe is a good fit for self-employment, please contact us. We would love to help, and are passionate about getting people the assistance they need to be more independent.
To download a hard copy of Richar's spotlight, click HERE.
Visit the business Facebook page to see what is going on around Grant County!